Free Beautiful Peacock Low Poly Paper Craft by Mariya Bogatưryova

Unique and Interesting Facts about Peacocks With Their Beautiful Feathers

Free Beautiful Peacock Low Poly Paper Craft by Mariya Bogatưryova

Peacock is one of the birds that is famous for the beauty of its feathers.

Anyone will be fascinated by the Peacock when it is flapping its wings and spreading its tail.

The long tail of the peacock and decorated with eye patterns are always interesting to look at. This eyeball phenomenon occurs because of the ability of tiny hairs to reflect light.

The light reflected by the hair turns into long waves consisting of several colors. Next, the color forms a small circle that looks like an eyeball.

The beautiful feathers of the peacock are just fine feathers without color. Uniquely, when the feathers unite and bloom, the beauty of the various colors will be seen.

Beautiful feathers are just a colorless fluff. Uniquely, when the feathers fuse and bloom, various colors can be seen.

To complete your knowledge, here are some unique and interesting facts about the Peacock with its beautiful feathers, which are summarized from various sources.

1. Peacock feathers are not only a symbol of beauty but also to deceive the enemy

So far, peacock feathers are only considered a symbol of beauty, even though this feather serves to protect against enemy attacks.

When an enemy is about to attack, the peacock immediately opens its feathers.

The eyeball-like spheres found in the peacock's feathers will be able to fool enemies who think they are dealing with hundreds of peacock eyes.

2. The male peacock likes to show off its tail

You need to know that only male peacocks like to spread their tail feathers. The male peacock's tail will open wide during the breeding season.

Male peacocks will compete to show off the beauty of their tails to attract the attention of the opposite sex. When in bloom, the peacock's tail feathers form a fan with fine, beautifully colored fibers.

3. The size of the female peacock is smaller

The female peacock has a smaller body size than the male peacock. In addition, the female peacock's feathers have a more brown color

The female peacock also has a beautiful crown on its head, just like the male peacock.

4. Peacock is a close relative of domestic chicken

The peacock belongs to the family Galliformes, which contains a variety of ground-dwelling birds including chickens, turkeys, kuaus, and pheasants.

Characteristics of this family are the habit of foraging on the ground, strong legs to scavenge the forest floor, heavy and rare flight patterns, and the sound that is unique to each species.

All of these characteristics can be found in the peacock's body, so the peacock is grouped into one family with domestic chickens.

5. There are only three types of peacocks in the world

There are two genera of peacocks, namely Pavo and Afropavo. The Pavo genus consists of two peacock species, namely the Green Peacock (Pavo musticus) which is spread throughout the plains of Indochina, the Malay Peninsula, and both eastern ends of Java Island, and the Blue Peacock (Pavo cristatus) which is only found in India.

While the genus Afropavo only consists of one species, namely the Congo Peacock (Afropavo congoensis) as an endemic bird in the Congo country, West Africa.

6. The Congo peacock is a primitive form of a peacock

The Congo peacock is a new type of peacock from a different genus. This type of peacock was found in the 19th century.

Unlike the Asian peacock in general, the Congo peacock does not have a long tail, so it is called a primitive form of peacock in the past.

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