Free T-34-85 Tank Paper Model

The T-34 is a Soviet medium tank introduced in 1940, famously deployed with the Red Army during World War II against Operation Barbarossa.

Its 76.2 mm (3 in) tank gun is more powerful than its contemporaries while its 60-degree angled armor provides good protection against anti-tank guns. The Christie suspension was inherited from the American J. Walter Christie M1928 tank's design, a version that was sold turret-less to the Red Army and documented as a 'tractor farm', after being rejected by the US Army. The T-34 had a profound effect on the conflict on the Eastern Front in World War Two, and had a lasting impact on tank design.

After Germany invented the tank in 1941, German general Paul Ludwig Ewald von Kleist called it "the best tank in the world" and Heinz Guderian emphasized the T-34's "great advantage" over German tanks. Alfred Jodl, chief of the operating staff of the German armed forces noted in his war diary "the shock of this new, unknown weaponry being released against the German assault division." Although its armor and armament were surpassed later in the war, it has been described as the war's most influential tank design.

The T-34 was the mainstay of the Soviet armored forces throughout the war. Its general specifications remained virtually unchanged until early 1944, when it received increased firepower with the introduction of the much improved T-34/85 variant. Its production methods continued to be refined and rationalized to meet the needs of the Eastern Front, making the T-34 faster and cheaper to manufacture. The Soviets eventually built more than 80,000 T-34s of all variants, allowing a larger number to be fielded despite losing tens of thousands in battles against the German Wehrmacht.

Replacing many light and medium tanks in the Red Army service, it is the most produced war tank, as well as the second most produced tank of all time (after its successor, the T-54/T-55 series). With 44,900 lost during the war, it also suffered the most tank losses ever. Its development led directly to the T-44, then the T-54 and T-55 series of tanks, which in turn evolved into the later T-62, which forms the armored core of many modern armies. The T-34 variant was exported widely after World War II, and as recently as 2018 more than 130 are still in service. (Wkipedia)

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