Takemichi Hanagaki Tokyo Revengers Papercraft by June

 Takemichi Hanagaki Tokyo Revengers Papercraft by June

Takemichi Hanagaki is the protagonist and also the weakest character in Tokyo Revengers. Although very bad at fighting, he has a strong determination to save the future of everyone he cares about. Takemichi is even willing to be battered just to make history change for the better for his friends.

Want to know what interesting facts about Takemichi? Read on for the discussion below!

1. Starting from a loser who can only apologize

As we have seen in the anime, Takemichi is depicted as a true loser in his adult life in the early stages of the story. Bad at work, financially unstable, poor social relationships make this one-man perfect to be called a real loser.

Takemichi also has a habit of apologizing excessively even for small mistakes. Therefore, not only adults, but children also look down on this young man. It was this one trait that had made his friends in the past feel that Takemichi was like a different person.

2. Have the ability to time leap that can change the future

Takemichi's time leap abilities are revealed when his consciousness is suddenly thrown back in time 12 years ago just before being hit by a train. According to Naoto's hypothesis so far, Takemichi's time leap could only be activated by shaking hands with him on one mission: rescue Hinata.

Takemichi's ability also has a weakness where during the time travel process, his physical body will experience a state of suspended animation so that he is vulnerable to being a target for enemies who are aware of his abilities. In addition, the time goal can only jump 12 years ago on the same day.

So to prevent a certain incident, Takemichi and Naoto had to wait until the appointed date arrived.

3. Bad in fighting, superior in defense

Despite being a delinquent, Takemichi is bad at fighting. He is often the victim of torture by characters such as Kiyomasa in the course of changing the flow of time. Even when he returned to the past for the second time, Takemichi had become an easy target for Kiyomasa when he found out about Mikey's whereabouts.

Even so, Takemichi chose to remain standing no matter how badly injured he received. Therefore, Mikey was attracted to him and recruited him because he thought this guy was a rare type of person like his late brother. Not surprisingly, Takemichi also had time to reach the position of captain of the first division Tokyo Manji.

4. Be firm in your stance until the end

In addition to time leaps and physical endurance, Takemichi also has advantages in terms of mental maturity. Although at first, he acts like a loser, his love for Hinata makes him not willing to give up on the situation. Not only for Hinata, but this guy is also willing to be battered to make a bright future for his friends.

Even when Takemichi almost reached his happiness where he was going to marry Hinata, he immediately threw the opportunity away only to wake Mikey who was still falling into darkness. It was his stubbornness that made Tokyo boss Manji cry and asks for help for the first time.

5. Already has two triggers of his time leap ability

In the latest chapter, Takemichi's ability suddenly activates accidentally when his hand grabs Mikey who is starting to wake up, and asks for help to be saved. This incident also made Mikey the second person who succeeded in triggering the activation of Takemichi's ability to return to the past.

If we look at the pattern that has happened to Naoto and Takemichi, there are requirements needed to make Takemichi's time leap active, namely the same motive to change the future. At the beginning of the story, Takemichi and Naoto both have a goal to save Hinata from her fate of death.

Meanwhile, in the latest chapter, Takemichi and Mikey both achieve the same goal, namely Mikey's deepest desire to be saved from his dark destiny.

Download Takemichi Hanagaki Tokyo Revengers Papercraft Template by June

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six numbers are your password. A sound effect will be played when the
numbers appear.

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