Nico Robin One Piece Papercraft Toy by June

Nico Robin One Piece Papercraft Toy by June

Nico Robin is one of the Straw Hat crew who has the darkest past. Since childhood she has been a fugitive and moved from place to place to survive. There are some interesting facts about Nico Robin that fans may rarely know. What the hell? Just take a look at the discussion below!

1. Have Own Jolly Roger

Maybe you don't know that Robin has a Jolly Roger or her own pirate flag. Despite being a Straw Hat crew, this Jolly Roger Robin continues to grow from year to year. At first it was just a skull with 4 arms forming a pinwheel with a purple hat on its head.

In the New World, the Jolly Roger evolves into the presence of glasses over the skull's eyes. With the background of the Hana Hana no Mi devil fruit that Robin ate.

2. Her Favorite Color

Some of you may not pay attention to the color of clothes that Robin often wears. Yes, Robin's favorite color is purple. Even when Robin changes her clothes at Wano, it's still purple. Although there are some color differences in each of the costumes she wears, most of her base color is purple.

Of the many shounen anime characters, Robin is the one who likes purple.

3. Can Feel Something from the Body Part She Duplicates

In fact, this has become something that does not need to be questioned anymore. After eating the Hana Hana no Mi, Robin has the ability to duplicate her body parts in various places. Surely this could make Robin feel anything she touched with the duplicated body. This has been confirmed directly by Oda.

You also need to know that Robin can not only multiply her arms or legs, but also other body parts.

4. Her Name Means Her Birthday

The date of birth of most anime characters might be a very important thing and have nothing to do with anything, because it's just a little trivia. Unlike Nico Robin, whose name has a relationship with her birth date.

On an SBS One Piece, Oda once mentioned Robin's birthday. Nico's Ni means 2, while Robin's Ro means 6. This message states that Robin's birthday is 26.

5. Uninvited Crew

So far, the 8 crew members in the Straw Hats have been invited by Luffy the captain. Only Robin joined the Straw Hats uninvited. Initially the reason Robin joined was because she had nowhere to go back to. Luffy has defeated Crocodile who became her target.

Robin herself was saved by Luffy so she could continue to live. This is why Robin feels indebted and decides to follow Luffy.

6. Highest Initial Bounty

When she first joined the Straw Hats, no one knew that Robin had been a fugitive since she was a child. Since she was a child, Nico Robin's head has been valued at 79 million Belly. This makes her the person with the highest initial bounty in the Straw Hats.

Luffy got the first bounty 30 million Belly, while Zoro 60 million Belly. But if we call the pirate with the highest initial bounty, then she is Big Mom who has had a bounty of 500 million Belly since she was a child.

7. “Mother” in the Straw Hats

In an SBS One Piece column, Oda once explained that Nico Robin played the role of a mother if the Straw Hats were a family. This can be seen from Robin's calm and patient nature. Robin was never angry, she was more often seen happy and amused to see the other crew joking.

8. Youngest Bachelor in Her Village

Robin's extraordinary intelligence earned her a bachelor's degree at a very young age, which was 8 years old. This makes her the youngest archaeologist in her village, Clover. Not only intelligent, Robin is dedicated to history. It is because of this intelligence that Robin is considered a dangerous threat to the World Government.

9. Paired with Jinbei

It wasn't long ago that many fans paired Jinbei with Nico Robin after the scene of them running together at the beginning of the Onigashima plot. On an SBS, Oda herself once explained that Robin is the "mother" of the Straw Hats, while the father is Jinbei. It fits, because they are both mature.

10. Oda's Favorite Character

Maybe you don't know that Nico Robin is the favorite character of the mangaka, Eiichiro Oda. Oda also said that she wanted to be Robin. The reason is because Oda will be able to draw 20 times faster if he doubles her hands. That way One Piece can end faster.

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Password: There are four semi-transparent numbers in the video. The four numbers are the password. Because the sound effect sounds when the numbers come out Please use it as a guide.

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Nico Robin One Piece Papercraft Toy

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