Dracula’s Castle Free Papercraft Model by Mandee

Dracula’s Castle Free Papercraft Model by Mandee

Spooky season is officially here, and Mandee wants to kick things off with an extra eerie papercraft! So, let’s get right to it. She hopes you’ve got your wits about you, because you’re going to need them when you step inside Dracula’s castle!

Dracula’s Castle Free Papercraft Model by Mandee

When Mandee showed this project to her son, he asked, “Is it alive?” and that’s how Mandee knew that this design was successful! As Mandee sketched out her ideas, Mandee knew she wanted to create a cool-looking castle, but she also wanted to make sure the “creepy vibe” could be felt in the architecture. So, that’s where the eyes, bats wings, fangs, and subtle “blood” accents came into play. Mandee wasn’t sure how well it would come across in the end; but, overall, Mandee thinks it is quite successful!

Download Dracula’s Castle Free papercraft model template designed by Mandee, below:

Dracula’s Castle Free Papercraft Model

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