Excelia And Rapunzel Papercraft Model by Pepasweet

Excelia And Rapunzel Papercraft Model by Pepasweet


This anime has two focuses and a fast plot but feels slow when watched, I thought until the end of the episode I still felt this but in the middle of the story we present a focus on the plot because the hero and heroine are in one story the same thing, and it causes the plot that is presented to be slower and more detailed, this in itself seems to make us feel the conflict that this anime presents and the relationship between the characters.

During the twelve episodes actually almost nothing very interesting about the story in this anime, whether the developments and topics discussed seem to be invisible so I am confused about the presentation of this story because it feels like there are a lot of things that are not interesting and things that should be interesting had to be made quickly because there are things that are not interesting in this story.

But even so, the thing that I still like about the story in this anime is the discussion of the story, which can be said to be serious and complex which makes me still watch this anime every week and honestly I still enjoy the presentation of the story even though the topics presented are lacking in my opinion, actually if this anime only shows interesting things, that makes this anime very good but it seems that because this anime aims to promote the game it also makes less interesting topics need to be presented in this anime.



In terms of appearance and character, there is nothing really unique about each character, I think that this character is from a game, so I don't really expect much about the character, but actually the main character in this anime is very interesting but unfortunately it doesn't have a story. which really shows what is interesting about the main character.

What might make me strange about this part of the character is that the main character seems to be ignored even though what is interesting and appears at the beginning of the story is the main character, but over time this main character seems to have no role, then at the end of the episode he gets role even though it still loses part with the female main character in this anime.

Conflict and End

Actually it's very annoying to discuss the story directly because it will be very spoiler but this will answer all my complaints that make those of you who may think the same as me can be answered a little, but because this will be very spoiler then for those of you who don't like it better go straight just skip this part.

The conflict in this anime is about the feud of light and darkness that both cannot be separated from each other. In this anime at the beginning we are shown two story focuses that explain the background and other things from the two places which are very different from each other. Then in the middle of the story the two focuses are put together, the merging of these two focuses actually raises topics that are simple and boring, but the reason why these topics are presented is to strengthen the relationship of the characters in this anime as well as create conflicts that can make this anime more emotional. This anime is a fairly complex anime, so presenting a simple topic is quite important because it will strengthen the story, but due to time constraints it also makes the interesting things need to be trimmed so maybe this is why there are things that are boring and interesting things are forced to be made fast.

Then for the end, actually this anime from the beginning has given a little code that this anime tells about a story. In several episodes we are shown about a narrative story which is then discussed in the episode into a topic, then the ending of this anime itself tells the end of the story about the promise of the two that could not be kept and their relationship that could not be together and resulted in a quite sad but very memorable ending. In my mind, this memorable ending is really good in my opinion because it makes this anime we can remember.

Some of the final footage also showed the state of the world being destroyed and a new island and characters appeared that might continue in the game. I still think that this anime is a form of promotion of the game, so maybe there will be a lot of connection between this anime story and the new game later so it looks like there will be a lot of clarity about the story in this anime when you play the game.


Let's Download and Build Excelia And Rapunzel Papercraft Model

This paper craft was displayed at a Hong Kong fan-art exhibition and it was noticed worldwide and now you can download and make it yourself.

Download Excelia And Rapunzel Papercraft Model template and instructions designed by Pepasweet via the link below:

Excelia And Rapunzel Papercraft Model

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