Kakashi Hatake (Naruto Series) Papercraft Toys by June

Kakashi Hatake (Naruto Series) Papercraft Toys by June

Kakashi Hatake was the Sixth Hokage before Naruto Uzumaki.

Interestingly, he is also a student of Minato the Fourth Hokage and a teacher of Naruto the Seventh Hokage.

But that's a common fact, here are 7 facts about Kakashi Hatake that you may not know!

1. The bell snatching test is taught by Minato

Kakashi has a method to determine the cooperation ability of his students, namely the bell grab test.

His students will team up and try to snatch the bell from Kakashi by working together.

It turns out that this test he learned from Minato, who used to use it to test Kakashi, Obito, and Rin.

2. Become a chunin at the age of 6 and a jonin at the age of 12

One of the talented ninja from a young age, Kakashi has been a chunin since he was 6 years old.

Not only that but he was also promoted to jonin at the age of 12.

Only a few characters can be like this, one that is similar is Itachi Uchiha.

3. Changing Chidori's name

Kakashi is the one who created the Chidori technique when it failed to combine the lightning element with the Rasengan.

But Kakashi is not using the name Chidori anymore.

When Kakashi changed the structure of the Chidori, the details of the changes are not yet known, he changed the name of the technique to Raikiri.

4. Going through a very strong depression phase

Kakashi's greatest depression was not the death of his father, but the deaths of Obito, Rin, and Minato.

When Rin died at his hands, Kakashi was very depressed because he couldn't protect Rin and didn't keep his promise to Obito to take care of Rin.

Besides that, just like his father, the villagers thought that Kakashi had deliberately killed Rin so as not to leak information to other villages (he became the subject of gossip for others).

Here he finally entered the dark path and joined the Anbu.

Not only that, but at the time of Minato's death, he was also forbidden to help his teacher by Hiruzen so he was very upset, consumed by Danzo's words, and joined Anbu Root.

5. Always ranked in the top 3 in the selection of the most popular characters

This is a unique fact.

All of the most popular Naruto character selections have always been Kakashi in the top three.

He had never felt that he was ranked third, second, or even in the first most popular character selection he was in the number one position.

6. His hobby is reading

A very great hobby, namely his hobby of reading.

But of course not reading books carelessly but the Icha Icha series by Jiraiya.

Kakashi is a big fan of the Icha Icha series, even Naruto said that one of Kakashi's weaknesses is this novel.

7. The amount of chakra is not too big

Having a lot of powerful moves, it turns out that Kakashi's chakra is not that big.

It's understandable, he's not a descendant of Uzumaki or another indirect descendant of Hagoromo.

Although the number is not very large, he can control his chakra very well.

Download Kakashi Hatake (Naruto Series) Papercraft Toys by June

PASSWORD HINT: You will see six translucent numbers in the video.
The six numbers are your password.
A sound effect will be played when the numbers appear.

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Kakashi Hatake (Naruto Series) Papercraft Toys

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