Kuda Lumping Papercraft Toy by Salazad

Kuda Lumping Papercraft Toy by Salazad

Kuda Lumping is a traditional Indonesian dance that originated in the Surakarta and Yogyakarta regions of Central Java. The dance is performed by male dancers who wear colorful costumes and perform complex, acrobatic movements while holding long, curved swords. The dance is typically accompanied by gamelan music, which is a type of traditional Indonesian music played on a variety of percussion instruments.

The origins of Kuda Lumping are uncertain, but the dance is believed to have evolved from a traditional Javanese martial art called pencak silat. The dance is often performed at cultural events and festivals in Indonesia, and it is also popular with tourists who visit the country. Kuda Lumping is an important part of Indonesian cultural heritage, and it is protected and preserved by the Indonesian government.

Download Kuda Lumping Papercraft Toy template designed by Salazad below:

Kuda Lumping Papercraft Toy

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