Free Dimorphodon Paper Model by Strick67

Free Dimorphodon Paper Model by Strick67

About Dimorphodon

Dimorphodon is one of those animals that seem to have been assembled incorrectly out of the box: its head was much larger than that of other pterosaurs, even nearly its contemporaries like Pterodactylus, and appears to have been borrowed from the larger terrestrial theropod dinosaurs planted on the tip of its small, slender body...

Of the same interest as paleontologists, this middle to late Jurassic pterosaur had two types of teeth in its rooted jaws, one that was longer in the front (perhaps intended to catch prey) and a shorter, flatter in the back (perhaps to grind this prey to a pulp). which is easy to swallow) - hence the name, Greek for "two forms of teeth."

Discovered relatively early in paleontological history - in early 19th century England by amateur fossil hunter Mary Anning - Dimorphodon has caused controversy, as scientists lack the evolutionary framework to understand it. For example, the famous (and finicky) British naturalist Richard Owen insisted that Dimorphodon was a terrestrial quadrupedal reptile, while his rival Harry Seeley was a little closer to the mark, speculating that Dimorphodon might have run on two legs. (After all, it took scientists years to realize they were dealing with a winged reptile!)

Ironically, according to recent research, perhaps Owen was right. The big-headed Dimorphodon doesn't seem like it was built for continuous flight; at most, it may be capable of fluttering clumsily from tree to tree or briefly flapping its wings to evade larger predators.

(This may be an early case of secondary helplessness, as the pterosaur that lived tens of millions of years before Dimorphodon, Preondactylus, was an accomplished flyer.) Almost certainly, to judge by anatomy, Dimorphodon was more perfect at climbing trees than gliding through the air, which makes it it's Jurassic equivalent. with contemporary flying squirrels. For this reason, many experts now believe that Dimorphodon lived off terrestrial insects, rather than hunting small sea-flying fish.

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