Titan Eren (Attack on Titan) Papercraft Model by June

Titan Eren (Attack on Titan) Papercraft Model by June

Who is the Titan Eren?

Titan Eren or Eren Yeager is the main character in the anime Attack on Titan. Eren also becomes a Titan Shifter, a Titan with different special powers.

Originally, Eren was an ordinary human. But one day, he was injected with a special liquid or serum belonging to the Reiss family by his own father, Grisha Yeager. After being injected, Eren turns into a Titan and eats his father.

Grisha Yeager himself is also a Titan with a height of 15 meters. Grisha became a Titan since he injected the Reiss family's special liquid into his body and ate Frieda.

In Attack Titan mode, Eren can master the hardening technique, making him difficult to attack. While in Founding mode, Eren can command a pure Titan and perform memory manipulation.

Despite having two powers at once, Eren does not have full access to the power of the Founding Titan. This was because the Founding power was only passed down to the Reiss family lineage.

However, Eren can still use this power with another condition, namely making physical contact with a Titan of royal descent. After applying this condition, Eren can temporarily command a pure Titan and manipulate memory.


Download Titan Eren (Attack on Titan) Papercraft Model by June


Password: There are four semi-transparent numbers in the video.
The four numbers are the password.
Because the sound effect sounds when the numbers come out
Please use it as a guide.

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Titan Eren (Attack on Titan) Papercraft Model

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