Sailor Chibi Moon (Chibiusa) Papercraft Toys by June (J-Cube)

Chibi Sailor Moon Papercraft Toys by June (J-Cube)

As time went on, more characters were introduced in the Sailor Moon anime besides the first five female sailors and their ally Tuxedo Masked. What's more, there is a Sailor warrior joining the fight against another villain, namely Sailor Chibi Moon.

Sailor Chibi Moon, known as Chibiusa in her human form, entered the anime as a surprise. Chibiusa travels through time and goes against Usagi, intent on finding a special crystal to help save her family in the future.

After it was revealed that she is actually the daughter of Usagi and Mamoru from the future, fans still have a lot of questions about this character. What are the facts about Chibiusa?

1. When did Chibiusa first appear?

Chibiusa's first official appearance in the manga was in chapter 13 when she came to Usagi's timeline from the future. Chibiusa had previously appeared in a short story entitled "Chibiusa's Picture Diary." In it, she is saved by two Sailors and dreams of becoming a Sailor herself.

2. Is the power of Sailor Mini Moon aka Chibiusa in the anime version different from the manga version?

Sailor Chibi Moon has basically the same powers in the manga and anime, but they are treated very differently. The 90's anime version actually softens up a bit on how strong they are.

In the manga, the attacks used by Sailor Chibi Moon are as powerful as any other Sailor capable of doing some serious damage to her enemies.

In the anime, however, their powers are used to distract and confuse the enemy so they don't have the same firepower.

3. How old is Chibiusa really?

When Chibiusa first appeared in the anime franchise, she looked like a five-year-old. Chibiusa gradually grows over the course of the anime and appears several years older. Some stories in the anime even make him "as old" as the other 12 sailors when he spent time in the past. However, all those ages are not real ages.

In contrast, when he first appeared in the manga, Chibiusa was actually said to be 900 years old. His body only stops developing around the age of five. It was only after she awakened her abilities as Sailor Chibi Moon that her body started to grow.

4. What does the name Sailor Mini Moon aka Chibiusa mean?

Fans used to refer to Sailor Chibi Moon as Chibiusa (or Rini in the 90s English version), but she has a much longer full name. Her full name is Princess Usagi Small Lady Serenity.

Like his mother, he earned "Usagi" and "Serenity" in the title of his royal name. The only reason he was called Chibiusa was because when he told everyone his name was Usagi, they needed a way to distinguish him from the grown-up Usagi. "Chibi" means "little," designating him as "little Usagi," as is his full official name.

"Usagi," as many Sailor Moon fans know, is a word that means "rabbit" in Japanese, in reference to a rabbit on the moon, as Americans call a man on the moon. Chibiusa's designs, such as her round dango cake and spiky pink hair are meant to remind us of a bunny.

Interestingly, his official name does not include the surnames of either of his parents' human forms - Tsukino and Chiba. It was unclear if that meant they had completely abandoned their previous life, or if they did not use the surname in their new Moon Kingdom.

5. Does Chibiusa have her own group of sailors?

Since Chibiusa's character was created to be someone whose life is very similar to that of her mother's model, it should come as no surprise that Sailor Mini Moon is also meant to lead her own Sailor team. She didn't inherit her mother's team, so even though Sailor Saturn's human form was her best friend, they didn't end up as teammates in the future.

In contrast, the Chibiusa team was actually made up of people who used to be enemies. The Amazoness Quartet, cursed to work for Queen Nehellenia when they awaken from a deep slumber, are actually the Asteroid Sailors.


Let's Download and Build Sailor Chibi Moon Papercraft Toys


PASSWORD HINT: You will see six translucent numbers in the video. The six numbers are your password. A sound effect will be played when the numbers appear.

Download Sailor Chibi Moon (Chibiusa) papercraft toys template designed by June (J-Cube), below:

Sailor Chibi Moon (Chibiusa) Papercraft Toys

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