Evangelion: Rei Ayanami Papercraft Chibi by June

Evangelion: Rei Ayanami Papercraft Chibi by June

Rei Ayanami Papercraft Chibi

Rei Ayanami is one of the legendary heroines of the Neon Genesis Evangelion anime series. She is the First Child, pilot of Evangelion Unit-00, and also the central character.

At the start of the series, little was known about Rei Ayanami. As the story progresses, his personality develops and she becomes more involved with the people around her, especially his classmate and fellow pilot Eva Shinji Ikari.

Rei has short pale blue hair with bangs in the middle and red eyes. At the start of the series, she will wear bandages on his arms and eyes. She wears the same school uniform but wears white loafers and black socks.

Here are some facts about Rei Ayanami!

1. Different from the Manga Version

Rei is much warmer and more welcoming in the original manga adaptation. His changes are very noticeable and make her seem like a slightly different character. It is also present in various other manga representations.

Some fans have labeled this as RiAO or Rei in Appearance Only, as the personality changes make her seem like a completely different character.

2. First Kuudere

Kuudere is a kind of character type that appears in anime. This is a very common figure of speech used by characters who have a calm nature.

Rei is a popular example of this type of character and also one of the earliest. While it is difficult to determine whether she was the first anime character to display Kuudere's traits, Rei is synonymous with the term to many.

3. Rei and the Moon

Rei is often associated with the moon throughout Evangelion. This visual motif is constantly revisited in various scenes. This connection to the moon can be seen as a way to show Rei's relationship with Lilith.

Interestingly enough, Asuka is associated with the sun, albeit to a lesser degree, in various shots in the series and film.

4. Her relationship with Shinji

The character relationships are what drive Evangelion, and there's no one more important to the series than Shinji and Rei. Although their relationship was quite awkward in the early part of the series, the two eventually found some similarities.

Although not the most striking, there are dynamics that the two have, one of which is mutual benefit for Rei and Shinji. Unfortunately, it was short-lived.

5. The Meaning Behind Her Name

Like every other character in the series, Rei's name was chosen for a reason. There are many different meanings behind his full name which gives more insight into his character.

Rei is zero in Japanese, the Kanji for his name can also be read as spirit. She was also named Rei Hino of Sailor Moon in an attempt to get one of the show's directors, Kunihiko Ikuhara to work on Evangelion.

Rei Ayanami Papercraft Chibi Template

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